I love aubergines, lots of people are scared of them due to their unusual appearance and thinking they need to be soaked in salt. I think in years gone by aubergines were quite bitter and had to have lots of salt soaked into them. But  the varieties we have these days are not like this and can be used without hassle. 

You do have to respect the little blighters though and cook them in the way they deserve, flavouring well and cooking for a good amount of time.

We don’t eat loads of meat, and I do like to cook veggie meals more than carnivore. The kids are less likely to really enjoy a vegetarian meal and both had eaten a hot lunch so today i was only cooking for adults. 

This is a really enjoyable meal which can be easily made into batches and frozen.

Add cheese, if you eat dairy, I bet a nice blue variety would be delish.

2 tablespoons Olive oil

2 tablespoons garlic 

1 teaspoons chopped chilli 

1 teaspoon smoked paprika 

1 teaspoon chopped thyme

2 large aubergines finely chopped 

1 punnet cherry tomatoes 

1 can tomatoes 

1 stock cube 

1 pinch salt

Fry the garlic and thyme in the olive oil 

Add the aubergine and fry until it’s lost it’s “raw colour”.

Then add the stock cube and cherry tomatoes until the skin looks wrinkled. 

Add the can of chopped tomatoes and cook until you have a really thick sauce and the aubergine is tender 

I serve this with Edamame protein noodles but you can use spaghetti or another type of pasta.

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