The sun has come out and everyone has suddenly turned to the thoughts of long heady days to come sitting outside and enjoying glorious weather. So out comes the summer cooking. What better way to kick off then some lovely strawberries. I know they are not in season but the kids love them and they always have a place in our fridge!
This recipe is so quick and simple.
For the pastry
340g flour
170g butter
1 large egg
Mix together in a stand mix. Form into a ball and put in the fridge and chill for 30 mins.
Remove from the fridge, flour the worktop and rolling pin and then roll out not too thin but not too chunky either.
Grab a flan dish, try as much as you can to lift the pastry up and on to the dish. Lay on top and gently push down round the sides.
Use a fork to prod the base of the pastry then place in a preheated oven at 180 degrees centigrade. Cook for 8-10 mins until golden. Leave to cool
In the stand mix chuck in 350ml of creme fraiche.
Add 3 heaped tablespoons icing sugar
1 large squirt of vanilla bean paste and mix well for around 1 minute.
Transfer mixture to tart case.
Wash your strawberries and place them in the tart point side up.
Eat and enjoy